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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Archived
- Hits: 227
It seems that files above 600MB are impossible to download, and the download speed seems low, I am investigating it.
All files should now be accessible, drop me a mail if there is any problems.
Download system updated, however certain files are not downoadable, due to their file-names, the download system does not like a "#"-sign in the filename, should be sorted soon
I am going to do an update of the download system today (26/7-2023), at around 1200 hours CET.
During that time the download system will be turned of. Hopefully it will go without any problems, and it will be online shortly after that.
After a lot of struggle, ebaman is finally online again.
I think most of the functions is there, still have to convert the old forum content to a new forusm system. Have to do it maually, how to do it, well, atm have not a clue, but I guess I will find out.
Problems, well, crashed database and server configuration has been the main culprits, but seems to be solved now
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Archived
- Hits: 391
Well, I'll started to migrate from the old CMS, experimenting with migrating the database.
The idea was that the old one should be running until I had everything sorted out.
However, I made a mistake (probably because the lack of instructions), anyway, I was experimenting in how to move all files from the old one to the new one.
The idea was to copy all files from the old location to the new one, copy over the database -finished!.
What I didn't know was that it was no copy-operation but rather a move and rename operation.
So I ended up with all files moved from the old site to the new site, and they were renamed, making it impossible to use the old database.
Fortunatly i have an local backup of all files on my computer, but uploading it all takes a very long time, and I can't import the database until all files are uploaded again.
Currently, 20090104 2000 GMT about 1/3 of the files is uploaded and I expect them all to be finished tomorrow evening (hopefully).
After that I think that its only a matter of importing the old database, and everything should be ok again.
After all, importing all old users were no problem.
When everything is running OK, i will issue a "Mass-mail" to all users, those that are bouncing back due to wrong e-mail addresses, those users will be deleted.
I allso urge you to complete yous user-profile, since Joomla will not work properly if things are missing.
Tomas Larsson, webmaster and owner of www.ebaman.com
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Archived
- Hits: 409
I think I got most things working, drop me a mail if things does not work, The contact form should work, however, if not so, use
w e b m a s t e r @ e b a m a n . c o m
I am currently moving EBAMAN to a new host, at the same time I am updating JOOMLA to a new version.
As expected, there are som problems, but they should be sorted shortly.
So please have patience, as soon as I have sorted all things out and everything is working correctly, I will enable login.
I have started a new site, targeted for repairing, overhauling and restoration of old equipment.
My hope is that it will be the one-stop site for this.
I allso hope that you will enjoy it.
It does not share the same userdatabase, so you will be required to register on that site as well, if you want to use it.
Anyway, url is www.ba-restore.com
Ebaman was registered in 2007.
I started this with different Host adress, probably around 2003 or something like that.
Now there is time for some Changes.
I have one more admin helping me, His name is Mats Hummel, a Swede like me.
But I feel thats not enough.
We have learned for the past 2 or 3 months or so, not take anything for given.
Currently EBAMAN lives and dies with me (and I am 60).
If you want ebaman to live in the future there have to be some Changes.
I want EBAMAN to be a site, not reliable on one single person.
I want EBAMAN to be Community driven or something similar.
I want a Group of admins, that handles the ongoing support etc.
I want to create some sort of none-profit organisatinon that owns EBAMAN, pays for the hosting etc.
Now, I would very much appriciate any input on how to proceed.
Anyone, that feels that they could put some time for this site, please get in touch with me.
With best regards
Tomas Larsson
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Archived
- Hits: 395
I have now managed to update both Joomla and remository to the latest versions, please report any bugs or strange things to me